Educating in values (films are in spanish language)
Educating in values is always a complex task, getting students to reflect on the value that we want to work on from discourse alone, is often decontextualized and does not fulfill the purpose.
A resource that teachers often resort to to deliver messages and generate reflection that allows educating in values, are educational videos. However, it is known that we can surf the internet for hours and not find what we need.
That is why as tips for this week, we share a list of 30 short films originally published on a Spanish site, which seek to educate in different types of values. Along with the name of each short film, you will find a brief description of its content, which we hope will facilitate your search and selection of educational videos.

1. Strings : The writer and director Pedro Solís García directs this small work of art that has recently been recognized with the 2014 Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film. Tenderness, friendship, innocence or generosity are some of the values discussed.
2. The smoke seller : This animated short raises different issues around which students have the opportunity to reflect: consumerism, picaresque, how sometimes we give too much importance to appearances…
3. El hombre orchestra : The Pixar animation factory is the author of this short film (also animated) whose plot reflects the importance of working in a group. Likewise, it reflects that rivalries are not always good, especially when they are taken to the extreme and this implies damaging the rest of the teammates.
4 . Said’s Journey : Coke Riobóo directed this 2006 animated musical short film made with plasticine. It raises the problem of immigration, and also wants to educate in values such as solidarity.
5. Pipas : Endorsed by different awards and knowledge, Pipas reflects the importance of learning and shows the school failure of society through the eyes of two young girls.
6. The World’s Largest Flower : The short film ‘The World’s Largest Flower’ is based on a short story written by Nobel Prize winner for Literature José Saramago. It so happens that this short (produced with the stop-motion technique) has the collaboration of Saramago himself, who gives voice to the story that is told and, in addition, has his own character. It calls for solidarity and human relationships, in a world where the lack of ideals, selfishness or individualism prevail over other feelings.
7. The Circus of the Butterflies : Interesting proposal that will surely attract the attention of the students. Values such as respect or dignity are treated in this short film that also raises other fears that we all (at one time or another) have had to face: the need to feel accepted by others, to break down the barriers that many times we put ourselves and that prevent us from achieving our desires…
8. El Cazo de Lorenzo : Educate in diversity. This is the message conveyed by the short film ‘El Cazo de Lorenzo’, a proposal based on the story by the writer Isabelle Carrier: it recounts the life of Lorenzo, a young boy who is different from the others who one day discovers that people good ones also exist. The red saucepan that always accompanies him represents the difficulties and obstacles to overcome.
9. For four little corners of nothing : The message it conveys is similar to the one thrown by ‘El Cazo de Lorenzo’: accept people who, for one reason or another, are different from us. We must be tolerant and in solidarity with them and integrate them into our environment, not change their form or way of being. In this case, its protagonists are not people but geometric figures; specifically, a square and several circles.
10. The Lost Thing : In 2011 this film won the Oscar for best animated short. It is a wake-up call to the lifestyle that we lead and that, many times, does not let us see what happens to the people around us, their problems…
11. Destiny : The animated short Destiny is the work of four students from the French school Bellecour Ecoles d’art : Fabien Weibel, Sandrine Wurster, Victor Debatisse and Manuel Alligné. Visually it is exquisite and the story raises several questions such as the passage of time, the possibility of changing our destiny, the day-to-day routine, the obsessions that we can have and that prevent us from moving forward… It will remind many of you of the movie starring Bill Murray ‘Trapped in Time’.
12. Do not abuse. It’s better not to be cool : This is a short film that wants to teach that people must always be respected and accepted as they are. It also reminds us that we do not have to change our way of being for others to accept us.
13. Un Conte : It barely lasts two minutes and has no spoken dialogue. Un Conte is a short film (also animated) that recounts the social drama of domestic violence through a masked knight who comes to the rescue of a young woman.
14. The Moon : This short from the Pixar factory recounts the life of a young boy who has to begin to mature sooner than he thinks. One day he will start working with his father and his grandfather; From that moment he must choose if he wants to follow in the footsteps of the family or forge his own destiny.
15. Presto : This is another of the animated shorts from the Pixar studio that, on this occasion, deals with the problems that stem from an excess of ego with a touch of humor and ingenuity.
16. Doll Face : It premiered in 2005 and is a criticism of the media and the female stereotypes that they sometimes transmit. It is important to accept ourselves and others as they are, both for their appearance and their way of being.
17. La Oveja Pelada : La Oveja Peluda also joins the list of short films from the Pixar factory to educate in values. It conveys the message that we have to know how to deal with the problems that we encounter on a day-to-day basis and overcome the frustrations that sometimes prevent us from progressing and seeing beyond.
18. The bridge : Its protagonists are a raccoon, a bear, a council and a deer: it will teach students respect for others and consensus when it comes to solving problems and not always looking for personal interests.
19. The selfish giant : It is based on a story written by Óscar Wilde; spreads the message of generosity, the need to offer help to others when they need it, to listen, to ask for forgiveness if the situation requires it… It also shows the consequences of selfish behavior.
20. The potter : The interest in doing things well, the motivation, the desire to undertake new projects, to transmit magic and a few doses of love in what we do… are some of the issues raised in this short film that tells the story of a teacher and his disciple whom he teaches to work with clay.
21. My little brother from the moon : This short film brings us closer to autism through the eyes of a little girl who tells us about this neurological disorder that her brother suffers from. And she does it in a special way, emphasizing the idea that you have to respect people.
22. Shh! Silence Helps Homophobia : It is in English and it reflects the culture of silence, bullying and homophobia. Shh! Silence Helps Homophobia speaks of acceptance, respect and help, never promoting values such as violence or racism.
23. The Happy Fish: This is an animated short film that has received several awards and whose story is based on the short story ‘A Fish that Smiled at Me’ by Jimmy Lao. The happy fish talks about the value of freedom through a lonely man who finds in his pet (a fish) an excellent company.
24. Rain Song : Reflects the value of friendship through the story of a boy and a fox in the big city.
25. The poor stork : This animated short film signed by the Pixar factory recounts the value of tolerance and friendship through this endearing and funny story in which responsibility also has a place.
26. Change of batteries : A short film of Malaysian origin that promotes the value of friendship. It does so through the relationship between a robot and a sick old woman who lives alone.
27. Binta and the great idea : Directed by Spanish by Javier Fesser, tells the life of a Senegalese girl named Binta who comes to a village in southern Senegal, next to the Casamance River. The background of this short film allows us to talk about Education for Development and some of the values that such as social justice, tolerance and solidarity. As countervalues would be racism and sexism.
28. Dance : The photography of this proposal, which deals with gender violence, is exquisite. To work with students values such as educating in equality, tolerance and respect.
29. Day and Night : It is signed by Pixar studios and it talks about the value of friendship and tolerance through its two characters, one represents day and the other night. At first their relationship does not start off on the right foot but they will find a way to change it.
30. Swing of Change : It is set in New York City in the 30s and its protagonist is a barber named Harry who does not accept black people. But one day everything changes and that racist attitude will lead to respect and equality for people regardless of their race.
This content has been originally published by RZ100 at the following address: