Comparing Bilingual Education (English-Spanish) Models in Aragón: Which Approach Works Best?

In today’s increasingly globalized world, bilingualism has become a valuable asset for students, giving them the tools to communicate across cultures, enhance cognitive abilities, and access broader career opportunities. In…

Fraude de ley ?

¿Te pueden pillar al usar una licencia individual de una página web para múltiples usuarios? Respuesta rápida: Si, totalmente SI (pero si estás aburrida y quieres seguir leyendo, te explico…

pp4mnk at linux world

Some of you have been asking me about pp4mnk. I can give you information, but it could have a subjective value, so to be objective, let me ask CHATgpt and…

HOW TO… Collect students Grades

To create a Google Site to collect grades from all the students you teach in different classrooms and input data orally from your mobile phone, follow these steps: Step 1:…

Back to school: processing of student data in educational centres

A new academic year is starting and schools are preparing their school schedule and activities. In this post we answer some of the most common questions regarding the processing of…

The best free search engines with generative AI

They differ from traditional ones because they understand what is asked and offer personalized answers. They are also able to follow the thread of a conversation. Share Searching for information…

Los mejores GPTs para profesores

Como ya comentamos en un artículo anterior, en noviembre de 2023 OpenAI lanzó la funcionalidad de crear nuestros propios chatbots personalizados, a los que llamaron GPTs. Sin embargo, al principio sólo podían ser creados…

The Scientific Method for Kids

Have you ever wondered how scientists make amazing discoveries? They use a special tool called the scientific method! It’s like a recipe for finding answers to questions about the world…

5 Reasons Why I Prefer Website Versions Over Apps

cc2 Oluwademilade Afolabi QUICK LINKS KEY TAKEAWAYS While mobile apps can be convenient in many ways, there’s something to be said for good old website versions of apps. Now, don’t…

Agenda Escolar 2024 2025 iPad

cc2 => @Pedrodanielpg Desde hace unos años utilizo el iPad para organizar todo lo referente a mi actividad como docente, incluso también para parte de mi vida personal. Hace unos…

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