The emergence of generative AI in the educational community is still scarce, residual and diffuse. The real impact it has on educational practice is still minuscule. It is reduced to a small group of teachers who are beginning to adopt it in their regular practice in an almost always anecdotal, prudent, if not suspicious, cautious suspicion way. Due to this and the gradual and dizzying development process of generative AI, in constant implementation of improvements, there is still no serious and contrasted evaluation of the didactic usefulness of generative AI in classrooms. We are in a phase of discovery and testing . There are no AI experts, only advance scouts who analyze the terrain and test its viability.
It is important to bear in mind that the pace at which AI will be integrated into the daily lives of our students and the rest of the educational community will happen faster than its integration into classroom routines. In a couple of years, all mobile phones will have an AI assistance system, which will automate a good part of the actions we perform on our devices. As has been happening for a long time with the digital tools that preceded AI, daily use will shape the way our students perceive reality, know the world around them and communicate with their peers. Schools often arrive late and with suspicion to technological advances, without knowledge or skills that prepare them for what is coming. Hence the importance of beginning to learn about generative AI and looking for integration formulas that reflect on its impact and use it creatively, always putting the human being at the centre of the learning process.
Integrating generative AI into the digital plan of educational centres is a recent pending issue. But to do so, it is advisable not to address the emergence of AI in isolation, but in dialogue with the context of each educational community, reflecting on its impact and use, and applying educational measures that prepare it for potential everyday, educational and professional scenarios. Each centre must follow its own path, taking into account the peculiarities and needs of its students, teachers and families. At the same time, the digital plan cannot be carried out autonomously, without dialogue with the curricular objectives, teaching needs, and skills deficits. The objective is to approach AI as one more element of our teaching process, not as its backbone. AI must be subordinated to our objectives, and not the other way around.
Therefore, it is not a trivial challenge to begin to reflect and act from each educational context and in an ethical and constructive way about how to integrate AI into our teaching practices , what to do and how to do it, from what ages, with what tools, from what methodologies, how to evaluate these tasks… How to approach the training of the entire educational community, and not just teachers, in this invasive technological paradigm shift. Prevent risks, know their possibilities and share challenges that improve learning. And do it together, in dialogue with students and families.
I have created a GPT wizard that guides and helps you design a protocol for the educational community, adapting it to the peculiarities of each center. I encourage you to try it and think about how to integrate it into your own context. You can access it here or by clicking on the image below.
Although the GPT assistant I propose is already loaded with numerous documents, these other papers may help you as reading support (SPANISH) :
- Guide on the use of AI in the educational field . INTEF.
- Designing an AI protocol in the educational center . LaCaixa.
- Protocol for the use of AI in educational centres . Original text: Matthew Wemyss. Translation and adaptation: Jordi Martí.

The proposal I make to you follows an inclusive model, where students and families are part of the project . Technology should not be addressed without taking into account its implications on the daily lives of our students, implications that often condition the perception of technology in the classroom and its adaptation to the teacher’s methodologies and methods of evaluation.
To give a revealing example, students’ audiovisual usage habits are having a decisive influence on their study methods. More and more students prefer to use YouTube to understand classroom content rather than the teacher’s own explanations in the classroom or the usual textbook.
At the same time, habits, sometimes toxic and without criteria of use, hinder learning. Therefore, training and applying AI in a critical and efficient way is essential if we do not want to leave students adrift.
Integrating families is essential in this challenge, since it is within the family and peer relationships that habits are formed that are based on the attitudes and behaviors of students. My experience tells me that a reflection-action on AI, and by extension, on technology as a whole, cannot be dissociated from the mobile-food-sleep triad . An integrative model, which includes health as an objective compatible with learning, and not an extraneous or residual element, is essential to address this issue in a real and constructive way.
Last year, as ITED at my school, I already started taking some steps in this direction, with the help of the guidance department. And I have in mind to implement some more actions for the next year.
- I created a newsletter (in PDF) on the educational use of AI. I sent it by email to all my fellow teachers. It was very useful for those colleagues who were curious but had not yet dared to try these tools. In a simple document, I had a brief and practical guide on where to start.
- Creation of a WhatsApp group for colleagues from the centre who are interested in this subject. We share resources and experiences, resolve doubts and coordinate joint actions.
- Face-to-face meetings, one per quarter, to get started in generative AI. They were voluntary. Next year we will turn it into an official work group, creditable. The idea is for it to be a practical workshop, with the aim of generating and sharing real classroom experiences.
- There was an attempt to hold a face-to-face micro-meeting with families, to introduce them to the use of AI and reflect on issues of daily mobile phone use, and its impact on their children’s sleep and nutrition. It did not go ahead, but next year we will insist, looking for a format that works.
- I included AI integration as one more element in the school’s digital plan. The idea is that next year teachers will incorporate it into their classroom schedules and learning situations.
- I also plan to launch a mini initial training course for students and teachers at the beginning of the course, through tutorials. Content: rudimentary use of generative AI, limits and possibilities. With brief practices adapted to their context and needs.
- On a personal level, as a teacher in my area (Philosophy), I plan to continue implementing AI in my regular classroom practice. The improvement in multimodal assistants will facilitate their integration in certain tasks. Likewise, the improvement in Chat GPT, with the possibility that my students can use assistants, opens up a field for creativity. From the creation of area content assistants to guides to carry out certain challenges and projects, including the creation of audiovisual content to help with study. Needless to say, AI is a very useful tool to help teachers prepare prescriptive documents (classroom programming, reports, learning situations, writing projects, minutes…) It greatly lightens the tedious work of planning and recording.
As AI becomes more and more embedded in their mobile devices, we will need to be vigilant and think about how to make them see their devices as a creative tool, not just a passive one. Know and apply, rather than fear and prohibit.
Getting started, but not in a kamikaze way, but in collaboration with the rest of the teachers at our school, learning together. That is the challenge.
I invite you to try the GPT assistant and start getting started with ideas that occur to you and then take them to your center to implement a shared plan. Few ideas, accessible, that inspire confidence, that generate projects that improve the lives of our students.
You will tell me. CC2 RAMON BESONIAS.- Translated by zgzsur