Windows 11 Shortcuts These are the best keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11 We have been with Windows 11 for a while now , and although we find very interesting new…
CC2.- @AprenderG Para mejorar tanto habilidades laborales como de estudio, he seleccionado este recopilatorio con los nuevos los cursos de inglés gratuitos que hemos publicado, seguro te serán de gran…
Increase Instagram Followers Without Following Everyone It’s entirely possible to grow your Instagram followers without having to follow everyone. Let’s look at how to increase followers on Instagram without… PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files. As of today we have 80,317,794 eBooks for you to download for free. No annoying ads, no download limits, enjoy it and don’t forget…
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Cómo crear una aplicación móvil de REALIDAD AUMENTADA.
Educating in values (films are in spanish language) Educating in values is always a complex task, getting students to reflect on the value that we want to work on from…
Comparto dos infografías para saber detectar correos y sms fraudulentos (phishing y smishing), cortesía de@The_Rounded_Man Alias ‘Kakashi’ ;). P. Titular del Dpto. de Informática de @uniovi_info . Ciberseguridad y Lenguajes….
Hola a todos: Os incluimos un listado de webs para descargar imagenes con fondos transparentes. a. Freepik png b. PNGWing c. PNGEgg d. Freepng e. Vexels…