The Dark Web is filling up with stolen ChatGPT accounts.

The Dark Web is filling up with stolen ChatGPT accounts.


It is undeniable that the growth that ChatGPT has undergone has been surprising, since in a few months almost all of us have used it at some point. This has given rise to consumer generative AIs, but being so popular has also put ChatGPT accounts in the spotlight for all hackers.

a total of 101,000 login credentials have been found for sale on the Dark Web during the past year. A figure that is truly alarming and that can have important consequences, especially for companies.

ChatGPT since it was launched at the end of last year reached the milestone of having a total of 100 million users in February. But also every month there are more accounts that have been stolen from their owners to put them up for sale, with a peak last month of 26,800 credentials. This figure does not stop increasing and ultimately compromises the privacy of all of us who use this OpenAI AI.

According to the published report, these credentials would have been stolen through the Raccoon malware . It basically works by stealing information from the user’s computer by downloading software that disguises itself as offering another function . That is why, due to its proper functioning, it is widely used among cybercriminals who want to steal this type of information that we store.

What is the use of stealing the ChatGPT login? The answer lies in the history of searches that are carried out in this AI that may contain sensitive and confidential information. But the real problem is the employees of large companies who feed data from their projects into the AI ​​to optimize code or perform queries. This can be queried by hackers through this method.

And as we know, there are many companies that integrate ChatGPT in their day to day to optimize all their processes and OpenAI does not offer an immediate deletion of the history. This ultimately makes it really attractive to hackers, and makes it very important for all companies to educate their employees not to enter sensitive data, and even ban the use of ChatGPT.


Be ready for this. Start thinking what you are sharing.




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