Todas las entradas de: Ester Conrat

The Environment!

Irene Molina (3º ESO) wrote this essay about one of the topics of the year. Don´t be lazy and read it because it is awesome!

The Environment is the totality of the natural world (often excluding humans).

92eee865b152d64c9e26296d494ace8aIt’s not only the space where life is developed, but also the living-things which live in it, the water, the air…
We, as humans, are forgetting how important the environment is, we’re forgetting we have to protect it. And yes, it’s important to live the present and “don’t-worry” so much about the future, but we can’t act as if we were the only generation that’s going to live on the Earth. Seguir leyendo The Environment!

Geography makes History

Early inhabitants walked on these same rocks and used them for their art and ceremonies, for their daily lives, to start a fire and grind the cereal.

Thousands of years later, the people living in these valleys also  built their houses with the local stone,  carved the enormous grinding-stones for bigger mills, and erected the churches where the old idols found a resting place.

Imagine the monks are singing the music written on the huge book, the sound of notes climbing up and along the walls…  and a then, one year,  an artisan produced a  statue out of a tree, carved the wood,  found inside the image of the new idol, so beautiful and moving that you can´t help feeling the 9-century-long  connection with the sufferer´s feeling.

Out in the woods, again and  there is another haunting image: a forest is what we see on the surface and also what we cannot see underground. What we see up has an inverted image below formed by the roots. Trees help one another through their root-system.

And still, they need  fungi, there would be no forest without the help they give each other. An individual organism can be as big as the forest on top and that´s what makes me think that we don´t know much about the amazing things that surround us.

Trees help each other. Trees and fungi help one another. During this outdoors lesson we can learn some Mutualism.

Music by John Lee Hooker: The Healer.

Words by Ester Conrat


Clara Galtier de 1º ESO  wrote about the plan of the two-day activity  included in the Biodiversity Project.

This is an objective chronological description of the events but don´t miss the video, soon coming!

We went to Hecho Valley on May, 21st and 22nd.
When we arrived at Siresa, we saw the village. Later, we went to the church.
Then, we went to a camping-site and ate a sandwich and we had spare time.
Then, we had a lesson about plants.                                                                  Next, the group was divided in two parts, and while one group cleaned the pavillion, the other went watching and studying plants and trees outdoors.

Later that day, we went for a walk and we watched other plants out in the woods.


When we came back to the camping place, we again had spare time to play. Then we had dinner together, pasta with tomato and chicken with fried potatoes.

After dinner, we tried to make fire but we didn´t manage and we went to sleep.

Next day, we woke up, tidied up and went to the café to have breakfast. After that, we had a second lesson on plants.
Finally, we went to an adventure park and climbed trees… we practiced “canopy-ing” and I loved it.


And, well, eventually we came back in Jaca.


The environment was the topic and Pablo wrote this story: you will find not only lots of grammar here but also the names of many local species of both trees and animals… Imagine and enjoy….


Pablo de Arce,  3º ESO


Mark and John were two English brothers. Mark was the older brother and he loved going hunting. John didn’t like to hunt, he preferred walking through the forest and searching mushrooms. They didn’t have a job and they didn’t find any job in England, so they went to Spain in 1927. They found a job in a mountain valley hidden in the Pyrenees mountains. Their work consisted of helping to build a train station that connected Spain and France. The train station was situated near a village called Canfranc.

A few years before Mark and John’s arrival to Canfranc, some workers in the train station’s project planted a lot of trees on the hillsides to avoid avalanches. They planted coniferous trees with needles like European larches and Norway spruces on the highest parts of the mountains. They also planted in lower zones coniferous trees like Scot pines and European firs, deciduous trees like beeches and trees with flowers like European box. They didn’t plant any trees near the river because there were native deciduous trees like silver birches, aspens, whitebeams with berries and white willows.
When Mark and John arrived at the valley, they saw sloping hillsides covered by small trees and the train station under construction next to the tracks, at the bottom of the valley. They worked helping to build the train station and transporting the materials needed for the construction but, when the winter started, every worker stopped working because of the snow. There was more than one metre of snow on the ground.

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The winter was very cold and besides that, Mark and John couldn’t cut down the little trees that were in the forest in order to make fire. This prohibition still exists now. So once a week they went to hunt to obtain food and leather. They walked through the forest. They could see little stoats, squirrels on the tree branches and Pyrenean chamois running up mountain rocks while the bearded vultures flew over them, until they saw wild boars or foxes and Mark hunted them. John didn’t hunt any animals because he didn’t practise hunting as much as his brother.
When the spring arrived, they returned to their work and when the Canfranc’s train station was inaugurated in July of 1928, they came back to England using the money that they had earned with their job.                                                                                                                                        Canfranc was a beautiful place but they missed their home.


Congratulations to his tutor, Miguel Angel Laborda, too!


Una historia de ardillas…

Levisa Callizo (3ºESO) comparte este relato de contenido medioambiental.

Levisa Callizo

Enhorabuena a la autora y a su tutora, Agueda García.

Mike and Sullivan are two squirrels who are friends.
Mike lives in a forest near the city, every autumn he goes to a forest far from the city to visit Sullivan and gets some good healthy food to survive during the winter.


Sullivan- “ Hi Mike, how are you? I´m glad to see you again.”
Mike- “Hi! I´m glad to see you too! I´ve come again to see you because I miss you”.
Sullivan- “Oh Mike I miss you too! This year you´re going to pick up better nuts because the humans have closed the nuclear power plant. Now they use wind turbines far from the city because they are very noisy.”
Mike- “Oh that´s great! I want to live like you, you´re very lucky, in your forest there are oaks, ashes… all kind of trees and bushes too. All the animals are happy here because there isn´t any pollution, they can breath clean air and eat healthy delicious food.”
Sullivan– “Yes, I agree with you, I´m very lucky. You´ve told me that in your forest there are only a few pines and spruces. Pollution is very near your forest because humans have cut a lot of trees for timber, people have built factories and for this reason your food isn´t as healthy as ours. Take my advice, come to live with me and you will be happier.”
Mike- “Ok Sullivan, I´ll do that. Let´s celebrate with some nuts!”


Autumn Leaves

The Colours of Autumn, as seen from the bus-window after our wonderful school-trip in Echo Valley.


Here are some pictures and activities to learn the vocabulary we are dealing with in the Biodiversity Project. This time, in Autumn, we went to the forests and each student had to work with one specific tree; most of them are represented in these lovely activities and if you like the topic, you can find more information in the wonderful page: Nature Detectives. Enjoy! Seguir leyendo Autumn Leaves

My Funny Valentine


My Funny Valentine,
Sweet comic Valentine,
You make me smile with my heart…

Your looks are laughable,
Yet, you’re my favorite work of art!

Is your figure less than Greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak,
Are you smart?

But don’t change a hair for me,
Not if you care for me:
Stay little Valentine, stay!
Each day is Valentine´s Day.


Chet Baker sings and plays the horn beautifully.


Working hard (just before Carnival).




Alma de Pierrot
Quem me vê assim,
Não vê a tristeza marcando a cadência
Com seu tamborim.
Mais do que ninguém
Implorei a Deus
Que a alegria vestisse meus dias
Com seu Arlequim.
Eu me preparava prá ver a Mangueira passar,
Estação Primeira, foi lá que eu fiz meu lugar,
Vindo com a minha escola a sorte sorriu afinal,
Encontrei meu grande amor no Carnaval.
Dessa vez não é
Chuva de verão,
Chega a Quarta-Feira, renasce das cinzas,
Só pensa em sambar.
E foi só por causa do amor
Que na minha vida faz sol,
Apontou saída prá quem não sabia
Viver sem chorar.
Eu me preparava prá ver a Mangueira passar,
Estação Primeira, foi lá que eu fiz meu lugar,
Vindo com a minha escola a sorte sorriu afinal,
Encontrei meu grande amor no Carnaval…
Encontrei meu grande amor no Carnaval…
“Alma de Pierrô” by Celso Fonseca, Ronaldo Bastos.